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Tarot and Oracle Readings

I do provide additional readings and service on my Wisio channel (link below). If you want an express reading (received in 12-24 hours) on any of my readings below just click the add-on button during check out. 

Get 60% off any reading that includes my intuitive interpretation below when you choose the Self Read button at check out!

(excluding the channeled message reading, the Romance Angel love Guidance reading)

Tarot Readings: Services

1, 2 or 3 Question Tarot read

Image by Jen Theodore


If you have a general question(s) about love, life, career, finance or you just want to know the general energy surrounding you at the moment, this reading is perfect for you. It includes: (3-6 tarot cards, plus 1 oracle card)

***2 questions for $36 or 3 Questions for $50***

What you need to know about this relationship | Love connection tarot read

Image by Michael Fenton


This is one of my most popular readings amongst my clients. This reading includes: Your true thoughts and feelings, their true thoughts and feelings, the blocks keeping you apart/guidance you need to hear, what's next, potential outcome. I will also pull 6 channeled messages (3 for you and 3 for your person) from one of my love message decks. And 3 channeled songs (1 for you, your person and the outcome.

DM & DF Connection Reading



This reading provides you deeper insights into the DF and DM energies within you but also with your Counterpart. You will receive knowledge into their thoughts and feelings as well as yours, messages and advice.

Thoughts Feelings and Actions Reading

LOVE Letter Stamps


Are you in separation with your divine counterpart? And or in limited contact with your person? or maybe you just want to know whats going on with your person. If so, this is the reading for you. This reading includes: 1 oracle card, insight into their deepest thoughts and feelings, and their next move.

Channeled Message



This has become one of my most popular services. Want to know what your person is thinking and feeling right now? Are you in a no contact situation? or maybe you would like a message from your higher self or spirit guide(s)? Using my intuitive and clairsentience abilities I will channel a message for you from a person of your choice, higher self or spirit (120-200 words, very similar to my collective messages I post on my instagram). You may ask one specific question that you would like answered in your channeled message.

Channeled Love Letter

Love letter


This is an in depth Love letter from your person of interest. This could be from your crush, ex, lover, or divine counterpart. Using my intuitive gifts and clairvoyance I will channel your person and find out how they feel deep down and what they wish they could say to you at this time. This letter is 2 pages in length about 600 words.

18+ Sexual Channeled Messages



This reading is 18+ This reading provides you with Erotic, detailed sexual messages from your POI. this includes their thoughts, feelings, desires and fantasies they have and want with you. This reading includes 18 sexual messages that are self read but I do inlclude a brief intuitive interpretation of the messages.

Channeled Songs & Messages from your person

Image by Jason Leung


This reading gives you deeper insights into what your person wants to say to you. I will pull 8 channeled messages for your person and what they want to tell you and 4 channeled songs to give you extra details and messages on your persons mood, vibe and their current energy. This reading also includes my intuitive interpretation of the messages you receive. (1/2-1 page. length)

Spiritual Journey Reading

Image by Jared Rice


This reading provides you with detailed spiritual guidance into where you are at in your spiritual journey. In this reading will receive insights into your current mindset, where you are at on your spiritual journey, lesson(s) being shown to you, and how to apply those lessons.

Life Guidance Tarot Reading

Image by Toa Heftiba


This reading gives you advice from spirit into your family life, friendships, personal happiness, work/education/career, romantic relationships, and personal growth. This is a great overall read that provides alot of clarity and guidance and healing into every area of your life. I use a variety of different oracle cards clarifiers to give you the most accurate guidance and clarity to all 6 areas of your life

Image by Tatyana Gorobtsova

Additional Readings

For additional video readings and services please check out my Wisio channel.

Tarot Readings: Text

Cancellation Policy, Return Policy and Refund Policy

All readings done by Love Truth and Wisdom Tarot Guidance are considered a service and due to the nature of the service and labor involved are non-refundable. However if for any reason (illness or personal), I am not available or able to do your reading, I will give a full and complete refund. You will then have to re-book through my website. However, if YOU cancel after payment is made but before I have started (usually start readings 8 hours after payment is received) please email me immediately. You will then receive a 75% refund. Most PayPal payments go back within 24-48 hours. Once service has begun no refunds shall be issued. No refunds will be issued if you do not like your reading for any reason. I am not responsible for your emotional and/or mental reaction to the reading. There are no exceptions.
I do not accept returns or exchanges.

Tarot Readings: Accessibility Policy

Disclaimer/Code of Ethics

Love Truth and Wisdom Tarot Service Readings do not include:

  • solving crimes, picking lottery numbers, locating lost items or persons

  • reading about past lives

  • reading about pregnancy

  • diagnosing illnesses or finding cures for illnesses

  • reading about possible demon possessions, questions

    related to dark energies or dark magic

  • predicting death dates, predicting exact dates of events

    (for example: “What is the date I will get married?”)

  • reading about persons younger than 18 years old unless

    you are a parent or legal guardian of the person in question

    Code of ethics

• A Tarot Reading is not Absolute or Carved in Stone. As a Tarot Reader, I will offer my Opinion and Advice, but will not interfere with the Free will of the Querent. Any Decisions made or Actions taken by the Querent as a result of a Tarot Reading are the Sole Responsibility of The Querent.

  • My Readings are Constructive and not Destructive. I give Readings to Empower the Querent.

  • I will be Honest in what I see and will not give False Hopes or Empty Promises in order to keep the Querent happy.

  • I will be Compassionate and Sensitive to your feelings and will not Judge or Condemn


You acknowledge that my Tarot readings are not a substitute for licensed medical, legal, business, financial, therapeutic, or other health care service, nor any other professional advice for which I am not qualified. In such cases, I will recommend you to seek help and guidance from a medical, legal, business, financial, therapeutic, or other professional.

You acknowledge that any and all predictions of the future are not guaranteed outcomes. The predictions are expressions of opinion only. The predictions are based on the current events and the outcome can be influenced by your decisions and choices you make by your free will from the moment the Tarot reading is delivered to you.

Tarot Readings: Accessibility Policy
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